Smudge Stick - Dragonsblood 15cm

Smudge Stick - Dragonsblood 15cm


Dragon’s blood is the hardened resin of certain rare trees found in India and Sumatra.  It has a natural red pigment and earthy fragrance. It is used to add potency to spells, for protection, and to create a meditative atmosphere. Dragon's blood is  great when it comes to cleansing a space. If you want to get rid of some dodgy energy, burn Dragon's Blood Smudge Stick.

Sage is traditionally used in shamanic practice and it is renowned for its healing, benevolent energy.  The scent calms the mind and purifies the body, the sage smoke is believed to have the power carry prayers to the heavens, to remove spirits, and cleanse ritual space. 

Smudges may help clear the air, scientists have observed that sage can clear up to 94 percent of airborne bacteria and disinfect the air. Also, when sage is burned, it releases negative ions, which is linked to putting people into a positive mood. 

Smudging requires simple ingredients like matches, smudging herbs, and a smudging bowl. Before you start, remember to open a door or window, because the unwanted energy you are trying to clear must have a pathway to get out. First, light one end of your smudge, allowing it to catch fire and burn for several seconds. Then gently blow on the lit end - the smudge will begin to glow and smoke. Lay the smudge on a heatproof bowl to catch the ashes as it burns.

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Tribal Soul Incesne - White Sage + Lavender

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